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Citát z Bible:
Hospodin tě chrání ode všeho zlého, on chrání tvůj život.
Ž 121,7 E
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Muž mezi dvěma ženami
Snacha a tchyně . .
Tom Rainer Effective Evangelistic Churches Broadman et Holman, 40 Kč
John F. MacArthur, jr. The Master s Plan for the Church Moody, 80 Kč
Jonathan Bernis A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days Chosen, 80 Kč
Win; Charles Arn The Master's Plan for Making Disciples Church Growth Press, U.S.A., 50 Kč
Don Fleming Let the Bible Speak for Itself Bridgeway Publications 1992, 40 Kč
Andrew Murray The Believer s School of Prayer Bethany House Publishers, 40 Kč